Rejoin Tech: Reservation

Sunday, September 15, 2019



Image result for reservation pics


A very well known phrase rather than a word. Will try to find the solution to one of the most controversial topics of all times. The controversy is not only due to this system but the major part is due to the sufferings that are nowadays making this topic one of the most burning topic of all times.

I will try to make this topic a bit clear and understandable.

Before starting I want to exclaim that I don't want to hurt any community's sentiments by any of my words. If something hurts anybody please forgive the writer.


Reservation has a new arising nowadays starting from cancer to many different so-called hindrances which is stoping modern India from being developed. The development of India is not only stopped due to reservation but it is the most important hurdle which is stopping not only India but also stoppin each and every nation which is following this so-called tradition from development.